The Valley Chronicle - It’s Time for Health Awareness for Men
It’s Time for Health Awareness for Men
It’s no secret. Men simply don’t like to go to the doctor - They either believe they can take care of their health better on their own and don’t want to bother the doctor or have a hard time sharing their per_x0002_sonal health information even with their doctor. Studies show women are 33% more likely to see their doctor then men. Yet, compared to women men’s lack of seeking routine medical care is one of the reasons women live longer than men. There really shouldn’t be an ex_x0002_cuse to not to want to go to the doctor. Telehealth is making it easier and more convenient. For some, the most convenient part of a telehealth visit is be_x0002_ing able to stay right at their desk and attend a same-day appointment. During the vir_x0002_tual exam, at times, a doctor can spot something that needs immediate attention. And, that could help your health is_x0002_sue get worse or possibly save your life.
If you’re in good health, you may only need to see your doctor once a year for your yearly physical. Lots of im_x0002_portant things happen during that time with your doctor, like blood tests, a digital rec_x0002_tal exam, blood pressure check and more. Just that one simple visit can help you get and stay on the path to good health. Thanks to new advancements in screenings and recommen_x0002_dations, technology is helping prevent certain conditions and is keeping more men healthy longer. Here are a few of the top health issues effecting men that you should know about:Heart Disease in Men: There are different types of heart disease, but coronary heart disease is the most common — and the leading cause of heart attacks in the United States. Coronary heart disease hap_x0002_pens when plaque builds up in the walls of your arteries, making them hard and narrow. This could lead to a blockage and prevent blood from flow_x0002_ing through your arteries like it should. Eventually, it can cause heart attack, stroke and other vascular conditions. Knowing your risk factors and the life_x0002_style changes you can make to help prevent heart disease could keep you in the clear.. Cancer in Men. There are cer_x0002_tain cancers to keep in mind as you plan your preventive health checks. Lung, colorectal (colon), prostate and testicu_x0002_lar cancer are especially com_x0002_mon among men. And, while there are ways to catch some of them early, the warning signs might not always be that clear. Self-checks, self-care and reg_x0002_ular visits to your doctor are three things you can do to stay healthy — or catch something suspicious before it becomes a serious problem. Knowing the basics about these cancers can help you know when it’s time to take action.
Kidney Stones in Men. Did you know men are more likely to get kidney stones compared to women? These little stones form when certain substances don’t make it out of your body the way they should. Calcium and other waste products can get stuck in your ureter and cause all sorts of symptoms. In case you haven’t heard, they can be incredibly pain_x0002_ful. Learn the different ways these stones crystalize, their risk factors and how you may prevent them. Men’s Preventive Care and Health Tips. As a man, you may be at greater risk for certain health conditions. It’s important to know their risk factors and what you can do to help avoid them. Things like cholesterol, blood pres_x0002_sure, diet, stress and exercise each play a part in helping to prevent some of the conditions you may be most at risk for. Luckily, regular checkups and preventive screenings can help spot early signs when some_x0002_thing isn’t quite right. Learn the risk factors of each condi_x0002_tion and lifestyle changes you can make to keep your body and mind healthy.

Mt. San Jacinto College Hosts 31st Annual AAUW STEM Conferen
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Koi Nation of Northern California and California State Parks
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24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
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Padilla Hosts Virtual Federal Student Debt Relief Brief
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Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
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It’s Time for Health Awareness for Men
It’s no secret. Men simply don’t like to go to the doctor - They either believe they can take care of their health better on their own and don’t want to bother the doctor or have a hard time sharing their per_x0002_sonal health information even with their doctor. Studies show women are 33% more likely to see their doctor then men. Yet, compared to women men’s lack of seeking routine medical care is one of the reasons women live longer than men. There really shouldn’t be an ex_x0002_cuse to not to want to go to the doctor. Telehealth is making it easier and more convenient. For some, the most convenient part of a telehealth visit is be_x0002_ing able to stay right at their desk and attend a same-day appointment. During the vir_x0002_tual exam, at times, a doctor can spot something that needs immediate attention. And, that could help your health is_x0002_sue get worse or possibly save your life.
If you’re in good health, you may only need to see your doctor once a year for your yearly physical. Lots of im_x0002_portant things happen during that time with your doctor, like blood tests, a digital rec_x0002_tal exam, blood pressure check and more. Just that one simple visit can help you get and stay on the path to good health. Thanks to new advancements in screenings and recommen_x0002_dations, technology is helping prevent certain conditions and is keeping more men healthy longer. Here are a few of the top health issues effecting men that you should know about:Heart Disease in Men: There are different types of heart disease, but coronary heart disease is the most common — and the leading cause of heart attacks in the United States. Coronary heart disease hap_x0002_pens when plaque builds up in the walls of your arteries, making them hard and narrow. This could lead to a blockage and prevent blood from flow_x0002_ing through your arteries like it should. Eventually, it can cause heart attack, stroke and other vascular conditions. Knowing your risk factors and the life_x0002_style changes you can make to help prevent heart disease could keep you in the clear.. Cancer in Men. There are cer_x0002_tain cancers to keep in mind as you plan your preventive health checks. Lung, colorectal (colon), prostate and testicu_x0002_lar cancer are especially com_x0002_mon among men. And, while there are ways to catch some of them early, the warning signs might not always be that clear. Self-checks, self-care and reg_x0002_ular visits to your doctor are three things you can do to stay healthy — or catch something suspicious before it becomes a serious problem. Knowing the basics about these cancers can help you know when it’s time to take action.
Kidney Stones in Men. Did you know men are more likely to get kidney stones compared to women? These little stones form when certain substances don’t make it out of your body the way they should. Calcium and other waste products can get stuck in your ureter and cause all sorts of symptoms. In case you haven’t heard, they can be incredibly pain_x0002_ful. Learn the different ways these stones crystalize, their risk factors and how you may prevent them. Men’s Preventive Care and Health Tips. As a man, you may be at greater risk for certain health conditions. It’s important to know their risk factors and what you can do to help avoid them. Things like cholesterol, blood pres_x0002_sure, diet, stress and exercise each play a part in helping to prevent some of the conditions you may be most at risk for. Luckily, regular checkups and preventive screenings can help spot early signs when some_x0002_thing isn’t quite right. Learn the risk factors of each condi_x0002_tion and lifestyle changes you can make to keep your body and mind healthy.
The Valley Chronicle - It’s Time for Health Awareness for Men
It’s Time for Health Awareness for Men
Leprechauns bring lots of green to Soboba Tribal Preschool
Leprechauns bring lots of green to Soboba Tribal Preschool
24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christ
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christmas Day and Christmas Eve are among the leading days of the year for U.S. home fires
Padilla Hosts Virtual Federal Student Debt Relief Brief
Padilla Hosts Virtual Federal Student Debt Relief Briefing to Encourage Californians to Apply

Four CSUSB alumni win top award for radio show
Four CSUSB alumni win top award for radio show
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new mobile medical clinic
CHP plans DUI checkpoint in Hemet Valley
CHP plans DUI checkpoint in Hemet Valley
C.W. Driver companies breaks ground on new three-story
C.W. Driver companies breaks ground on new three-story stem education building
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing
Digital Newspaper
Digital Newspaper

Koi Nation of Northern California and California State Parks Renew Memorandum of Understanding and Celebrate Renaming of Ridge and Trail
Koi Nation of Northern California, USA
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christ
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christmas Day and Christmas Eve are among the leading days of the year for U.S. home fires

Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new mobile medical clinic
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but espec
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but especially now
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing