The Valley Chronicle - MSJC Eagles Football Team Scheduled to Play Final Game
MSJC Eagles Football Team Scheduled to Play Final Game at its San Jacinto Campus
The Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Eagles football team is sched_x0002_uled to host Antelope Valley College at noon Saturday, Nov. 27, in the Hemet Sportsman’s Club American Champion_x0002_ship Bowl on the college’s San Jacinto Campus. It’s set to be the final game at Carl Quandt Stadium as MSJC plans to move into a new sta_x0002_dium at its Menifee Val_x0002_ley Campus next season. The Eagles began play_x0002_ing at Carl Quandt Sta_x0002_dium in their final game of the 1996 season.
MSJC and communi_x0002_ty leaders on March 23 ceremoniously broke ground on the $41 mil_x0002_lion MSJC Athletics & Kinesiology Complex at the Menifee Valley Cam_x0002_pus. The project will fea_x0002_ture a 5,000-seat stadium and field house, softball field, and sand volleyball courts. The site is sched_x0002_uled to host games and other events as soon as Fall 2022. The college district’s 2014 voter-approved Measure AA, a $295 mil_x0002_lion facilities bond, is funding construction of the stadium, which will also include large class_x0002_rooms and faculty offic_x0002_es, fitness/weight rooms, lockers, team rooms and a press box.
Measure AA also funded renovations of a Menifee Valley Campus building into a new Student Cen_x0002_ter; and -- along with matching state funds -- is funding the construc_x0002_tion of Science Technol_x0002_ogy Engineering Math (STEM) buildings at the San Jacinto and Menifee Valley campuses in the next few years; and fund_x0002_ed the purchase of the Temecula Valley Campus that opened to students in August 2021, among other improvements at the district’s four cam_x0002_pus locations.
Eagles Wrap Up Spectac_x0002_ular Season The Hemet Sportsman’s Club American Champi_x0002_onship Bowl appearance is the second in a row for MSJC and their third bowl game in Coach Ca_x0002_sey Mazzotta’s 14 seasons at the helm of the Eagles. The Eagles finished the regular season 8-1, with their only loss on Nov. 6 in a nail-biter against Pasadena City College, 28-26. The Eagles were co-champions of the American Mountain League along with Pas_x0002_adena and Grossmont but had the highest rat_x0002_ing performance index (RPI), which gave them the opportunity to host the game Saturday.
MSJC and Antelope Val_x0002_ley (8-2), the champions of the American Pacif_x0002_ic League, met Sept. 18, with the Eagles winning, 23-13. The Antelope Valley Marauders are on a seven-game winning streak. MSJC has put up some impressive numbers this year, especially on the offensive side of the ball. The Eagles led the entire Southern Califor_x0002_nia Football Association (SCFA) in total yards per game at 515. They were third in passing yards per game and sixth in rushing.
The quarterback duo of Devan Freedland and Robert Coleman com_x0002_bined to throw for more than 2,700 yards with almost identical num_x0002_bers as Coleman threw for 1,358 and Freedland 1,344. They spread the ball out as well with sev_x0002_en different players mak_x0002_ing more than 12 catch_x0002_es on the year led by Rashoud Shelton, who had 47 receptions for 753 yards and 10 touch_x0002_downs. Taliq Brown had 34 catches on the season for 452 yards and six TDs, while Taylor Tosches was a big play threat with 17 receptions for 404 yards and five scores. On the ground, Sherod White was the Eagles’ big threat as he ran for 953 yards in nine games -- good enough for third in the SCFA. White also had 14 rushing touchdowns and five more receiving.
On defense, the Ea_x0002_gles were led by Darryl Moody who recorded a team-high 53 total tack_x0002_les and led the team with four interceptions. De_x0002_mond Young and Nathan Ortiz also had strong seasons for the defensive unit as Young made 42 tackles and made a pair of picks while Ortiz had 41 tackles and two sacks. Kelvin Davis and Hunter Rapolla tied for the team lead in sacks with four apiece. Saturday’s game at Carl Quandt Stadium is set to kick off at noon. As more details become available, they will be posted on the MSJC Athletics web_x0002_page and on their social media accounts (Insta_x0002_gram, Twitter and Face_x0002_book).

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MSJC Eagles Football Team Scheduled to Play Final Game at its San Jacinto Campus
The Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Eagles football team is sched_x0002_uled to host Antelope Valley College at noon Saturday, Nov. 27, in the Hemet Sportsman’s Club American Champion_x0002_ship Bowl on the college’s San Jacinto Campus. It’s set to be the final game at Carl Quandt Stadium as MSJC plans to move into a new sta_x0002_dium at its Menifee Val_x0002_ley Campus next season. The Eagles began play_x0002_ing at Carl Quandt Sta_x0002_dium in their final game of the 1996 season.
MSJC and communi_x0002_ty leaders on March 23 ceremoniously broke ground on the $41 mil_x0002_lion MSJC Athletics & Kinesiology Complex at the Menifee Valley Cam_x0002_pus. The project will fea_x0002_ture a 5,000-seat stadium and field house, softball field, and sand volleyball courts. The site is sched_x0002_uled to host games and other events as soon as Fall 2022. The college district’s 2014 voter-approved Measure AA, a $295 mil_x0002_lion facilities bond, is funding construction of the stadium, which will also include large class_x0002_rooms and faculty offic_x0002_es, fitness/weight rooms, lockers, team rooms and a press box.
Measure AA also funded renovations of a Menifee Valley Campus building into a new Student Cen_x0002_ter; and -- along with matching state funds -- is funding the construc_x0002_tion of Science Technol_x0002_ogy Engineering Math (STEM) buildings at the San Jacinto and Menifee Valley campuses in the next few years; and fund_x0002_ed the purchase of the Temecula Valley Campus that opened to students in August 2021, among other improvements at the district’s four cam_x0002_pus locations.
Eagles Wrap Up Spectac_x0002_ular Season The Hemet Sportsman’s Club American Champi_x0002_onship Bowl appearance is the second in a row for MSJC and their third bowl game in Coach Ca_x0002_sey Mazzotta’s 14 seasons at the helm of the Eagles. The Eagles finished the regular season 8-1, with their only loss on Nov. 6 in a nail-biter against Pasadena City College, 28-26. The Eagles were co-champions of the American Mountain League along with Pas_x0002_adena and Grossmont but had the highest rat_x0002_ing performance index (RPI), which gave them the opportunity to host the game Saturday.
MSJC and Antelope Val_x0002_ley (8-2), the champions of the American Pacif_x0002_ic League, met Sept. 18, with the Eagles winning, 23-13. The Antelope Valley Marauders are on a seven-game winning streak. MSJC has put up some impressive numbers this year, especially on the offensive side of the ball. The Eagles led the entire Southern Califor_x0002_nia Football Association (SCFA) in total yards per game at 515. They were third in passing yards per game and sixth in rushing.
The quarterback duo of Devan Freedland and Robert Coleman com_x0002_bined to throw for more than 2,700 yards with almost identical num_x0002_bers as Coleman threw for 1,358 and Freedland 1,344. They spread the ball out as well with sev_x0002_en different players mak_x0002_ing more than 12 catch_x0002_es on the year led by Rashoud Shelton, who had 47 receptions for 753 yards and 10 touch_x0002_downs. Taliq Brown had 34 catches on the season for 452 yards and six TDs, while Taylor Tosches was a big play threat with 17 receptions for 404 yards and five scores. On the ground, Sherod White was the Eagles’ big threat as he ran for 953 yards in nine games -- good enough for third in the SCFA. White also had 14 rushing touchdowns and five more receiving.
On defense, the Ea_x0002_gles were led by Darryl Moody who recorded a team-high 53 total tack_x0002_les and led the team with four interceptions. De_x0002_mond Young and Nathan Ortiz also had strong seasons for the defensive unit as Young made 42 tackles and made a pair of picks while Ortiz had 41 tackles and two sacks. Kelvin Davis and Hunter Rapolla tied for the team lead in sacks with four apiece. Saturday’s game at Carl Quandt Stadium is set to kick off at noon. As more details become available, they will be posted on the MSJC Athletics web_x0002_page and on their social media accounts (Insta_x0002_gram, Twitter and Face_x0002_book).
The Valley Chronicle - MSJC Eagles Football Team Scheduled to Play Final Game
MSJC Eagles Football Team Scheduled to Play Final Game at its San Jacinto Campus
Leprechauns bring lots of green to Soboba Tribal Preschool
Leprechauns bring lots of green to Soboba Tribal Preschool
24 Kids Shop with a Cop in Hemet
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NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christ
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Koi Nation of Northern California, USA
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christ
NFPA urges added caution this holiday season, as Christmas Day and Christmas Eve are among the leading days of the year for U.S. home fires

Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
Police Seek Help Locating Hit-and-Run Vehicle
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new
CSUSB Nursing Street Medicine Program partners with new mobile medical clinic
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but espec
Don't undermine scientific discovery -- ever, but especially now
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme
ICYMI: Padilla Highlights From Judge Jackson’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing