Storage Unit Abandonment

#1. ​Our deadline is 8 PM Wednesday for Thursday’s edition.

To publish: send us the completed Storage Unit Abandonment text (the page with the information to be published).

  • Photo with your mobile phone then text to (951) 379-3969 AND text your email address
  • Photo with your mobile phone or use your scanner and email to
  • Fax to (951) 652-4009
  • Or go to our partner’s office ($10 service fee): Hemet Blue Print 2127 East Florida Avenue (S.E. Corner of Yale and Florida, next to Allstate). Open M-F 9 AM to 5 PM, Sat 10 AM to 2 PM (closed Sunday and major holidays).

#2. We charge $110, publish 2 times, once a week for 2 successive weeks. There are no extra charges and we guarantee the lowest price. Please pay below. 

We will send the Affidavit to you after the last publication done. You will receive an email confirmation within 2-3 business days.
Please wait at least two business days before contacting us and please only contact us via email at

Payment for Storage Unit Abandonment – $110:

Storage Unit Abandonment – $110